Emergency Generator Install Charlevoix Michigan
Here are some pictures of a whole house back up generator I just put in for a customer in Charlevoix.
This one was quite unique in that I had to install two Automatic transfer switches because the customer has a separate meter for his well which feeds several homes around his. Because of this separate meter situation I had to put in a transfer switch for each meter. As you can see space was extremely limited for all the equipment that was needed, so it took some very careful planning ahead of time. When you are doing a project like this time is of the essence. The utility co. comes in the morning to turn the power off to the electrical service. Then I tear the old service apart and build the new one…. quickly. About the time I’m finishing up the electrical inspector comes and approves it so at the end of the day the utility co. can come by and restore power to the home.
After that it was time to give the gas co. a call to run a gas line from the propane tank. These Generac Generators are equipped with a special switch which allows the installer to easily convert the generator from natural gas to propane. Once the gas line was installed all that was left to do was install a battery and hook up the control wires. There are two sets of control contacts that need to be wired in for automatic transfer and power up. One set senses when the power from the utility is lost and the other set initiates the transfer of power from the utility to the generator and back once utility power is regained. This generator is also equipped with an on board computer system that will diagnose any problems with the generator and also exercises it (turns the generator on) weekly to ensure it is working properly.
I am very pleased with the way this project turned out. Everything went very smoothly and the customer was only out of power for about eight hours. With this fully automatic back up power system the owner will never have to worry about the issues associated with power outages again.